When is it going to balance out?

This is a response to the question ‘When is it going to balance out?’ from a group call in the EMBODIMENT MENTORSHIP. The responses are tailored to the people in the group however I felt this was a question more people are asking. Take from it whatever is relevant to you.

We choose the life we live. To live in a city, to be in a relationship, to have kids, to work 9 to 5. We choose our situations. We can also choose not to be in those situations.

We are choosing everything and that’s what we have to remember. Before we are born and looking at the rides in this grand amusement park, we knew this was going to be an intense period. The waves of intensity are getting stronger and they just keep going.

This doesn’t mean that you have to leave your job or relationship. Many people get that in their heads when doing work on themselves.

So it’s not a matter of, ‘Is this going to balance out?’ We are in a process of acknowledging where we are at and how we unfold in that pressure.

We are seeing this world from inside the dome. We are still seeing everything from one perspective. When we meditate and have these kinds of discussions where we are reaching into more aspects of ourselves, we begin to see ourselves from the other side of the dome. Seeing what we are choosing and how we are influenced to make those choices.

Don’t get trapped in the illusion that it is going to stop. We are infinite. We gain clarity from a retrospective view because this world is run by time.

The actions and temptations may not ever end but you choose whether to play it. But this is that process of remembering we do have a choice and then learning how to choose another way of creating. I feel this is a big part of what we are doing this year and for the years to follow.

Your soul (and whole self) have a very good work ethic

That’s a problem because it means we are going to learn our lessons very well. Which can make it appear more intense. If you didn’t care and inherently didn’t have so much love in your heart, you wouldn’t be getting so affected or you’d be able to shut it off. But it’s because you have the capability to love so much and to be you, amongst all of the choices, whether you think that you’ve made them or your haven’t.

Change the way you perceive the waves

Shift your mindset from this being an annoyance or hardship you have to go through. Rather see it as being a push in the right direction for you. Then it’s experienced as a gift. This is why I work with clients on perception. Because you can’t change the world in the ways you think you have to. That’s not your job. Your job is to work with yourself and change from within.

Sometimes I feel this world is a massive healing centre. Look what we have access to. And maybe you’ve come here because we’ve completely distorted the way we create. That is one perception. Or we’ve come here on a holiday. Or one of the many other theories currently operating in our collective consciousness.

We are far too in it to know. So the more comfortable you get with the uncomfortable then you start to remember more and feel more comfortable in your reality. Feel how you are contributing to the whole.

You’re not meant to know what’s going on

We have educated and deluded ourselves into believing we know everything. That we are all separate. We make people our enemies when they are literally reflecting ourselves because that is how powerful we are as creative beings.

You can find balance in every single day. Every day is designed for balance. We have the moon and the sun. We are constantly in a balance, and within that are micro-balances. We fell out of the balance with this world. Now we are trying to get back into it.

We are continuously choosing with every thought, with every non-thought. With every action, we are continuously choosing. It’s an experience. It’s a ride.

Sarah Baiada