She speaks to all parts of you, supports you to piece them together and figure out your unique gifts and how you work. Sarah has worked with me on the deepest of levels, supporting my system to let go so I was able to release and heal. She has the ability to cut through the bull and speak to your strength. Sarah is in my eyes a true woman and in working with her I have found this within.
— Chev Mary Kelly (Embodiment Mentorship)

Sarah’s teaching of Universal Energetics is giving me the keys to unlock incredible ‘secrets’ that I always felt might be there.
My Awareness and appreciation of our connection to the land and our ancestors is expanding exponentially.
Sarah has a real gift for teaching these huge concepts in an easily digestible manner.
— Jodi (Universal Energetics)

Wow loads of changes since my session. I’m travelling a fair bit this year with at least 4 overseas trips. Feels like an end of an era in my life and I’m stoked about it! Definitely think the session with Sarah moved the energy that catalysed the decision.
— Katherine, Sydney (Intuitive Remedial Massage)

I feel a deeper love and balance for my intellect and my heart, which I never had before. I keep going back to the analogy you used about wrapping my heart over my head, imagery was perfect for me. I feel moments of my heart throbbing and expanding, and a tenderness for myself and others that rely on their intellect to make sense of life.
— John, Sydney (Intuitive Remedial Massage)

Thank you Sarah for a beautiful Spring Clean and meditations. I feel I’ve cleared years and years even lifetimes of stuff. My place feels lighter and even my partner seems lighter. I highly recommend Spring Clean to those who haven’t done it
— Julia (Spring Clean)

You’ve helped shift so much for me for the better and I have such a clearer understanding of actions to take. Also just recognising for me to follow the flow of what inspires me next, not needing to know what’s miles ahead just being present in the now and learning to love and appreciate myself in each moment. Very powerful.
— Dominique (Soul Mentoring)