Strength in the Stars

Strength in the Stars


Join Sophia Palmer and I for a two hour transmission, activation, and clarifying insight into 2024!

Get ahead of the crowd with practical guidance to navigate the twists and turns of this year, and making this a potent 2024 of abundance and transformation. There will be insights given into the year unfolding through the occult lens of numerology, tarot, and astrology. Sophia will also be delivering a rousing motivational speech to not only kickstart your year and claim it, but getting you back in the driver’s seat of your life, committed to moving in the direction of your heart’s calling.

I will be leading us through a powerful activation to ignite your connection from your roots to the stars. It is part of the next step of humanity's evolution. Dropping deep into our roots and with Earth and our Stars. It's the next step. Broadening our capacity to hold expanded, multifaceted concepts, ideas and perceptions within our cells(selves). Seeing more of the operating systems and navigating with clearer vision and a depth of compassionate grace. Preparing you for this year to flow and allow your innerworld to create our outside world.  

Walk away from this transmission clear on the direction you are choosing to take this year, and empowered in your thoughts and deeds, anchored in your heart and body. Reaching towards the stars with confidence and grace.

If you wish to reclaim your life force, receive energetic support and astrological insights, or motivation to make this a powerful year, please listen to this transmission.

Once you have purchased this transmission, you will receive an email with the recording link.

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